Contact Dr. Fee

As a natural result of the fields I study, there is a lot of information about me online - so it's pretty easy to get in touch. By far, I am most likely to respond quickly by email. So, you can use the form below to shoot me a message. But you can also look after the form for other options...

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There are various other ways to contact me, or follow what I do. These methods are considerably slower, but if you leave me a message, I will return it:

My Facebook Profile - I log on about once a month, "like" a dozen things, then feel guilty for not communicating and log off.

My Google+ Profile - I'm never on, but neither is anyone else. Still, if you send me a message, I'll get it.

GitHub Archives - online repositories of my open-source software framework projects.

Twitter - I'm a conscientious objector. I have absolutely nothing of value to say in less than 140 characters; and neither do you. I have bowed to the Twitter hegemony and now maintain an account. It's basically just a glorified RSS feed, but you are welcome to peruse it if you follow me.